onsdag 30. mars 2011

”Har Ørnulf Tofte (POT) begått alvorlig kriminalitet?”

Verkebyllen Treholtsaken fortsetter bak lukkede dører i Gjenopptakelsekommisjonen.

”Ørnulf Tofte var hovedansvarlig for en kameraovervåking som kort og brutalt må kunne karakteriseres som alvorlig kriminalitet.” Sitatet er hentet fra en kronikk med tittel ”Bare fullt innsyn er nok” i Aftenposten av CATO SCHIØTZ,  advokat, tidligere leder i Advokatforeningens rettssikkerhetsutvalg. Se http://www.aftenposten.no/meninger/kronikker/article4076551.ece  En lesverdig og balansert kronikk.

Så vidt vites er Gjenopptakelsekommisjonen så godt som ferdig med arbeidet sitt. Toget kan vel derfor sies å ha gått for kommisjonen. Toget har sannsynligvis også gått for det norske rettssystemet.

Dette er virkelig begredelige greier sett fra her hvor pepper’n gror.

mandag 28. mars 2011

”Paragliding fra Khao Phrik”

Siden det blåste fra nordøst, måtte konkurransen flyttes fra Khao Sadao til Khao Phrik som ligger noen kilometer unna. Vi var drøyt 30 piloter, noen fra Indonesia, Japan og Norge… Startplassen ble ryddet for gress og busker på fredag og var mye bedre nå enn sist jeg var der.

Dessverre var det mye vind på morgenen og formiddagen, og vi ble sittende i mange timer. Førstemann som startet, fikk problemer med å penetrere. Han trakk store ører, drev tilbake, hadde en litt dårlig landing og forstuet ankelen. Senere roet vinden seg noe, og alle fikk startet. Selv fikk jeg to turer.

Søndag var det sterkere vind. Etter en del timer ble dagen kansellert. Ingen fløy den dagen.

Neste uke er det ny konkurranse fra Khao Sadao.

onsdag 23. mars 2011

”Paramotor Wang Nam Keaw”

Sist helg var det et stort paramotortreff i Wang Nam Keaw. Stedet ligger i utkanten av Nakhon Ratchasimaprovinsen der motorveien går over et lite fjellområde. Det var et sted mellom 50 og 100 piloter som fløy. Selv fikk jeg to morgenturer og en ettermiddagstur. Kan ikke si annet enn at det er noe stressende når så mange piloter skal i lufta eller lande på et begrenset område. Motorduren er sterk og bensinlukten river i nesen. Se bilde fra starten.

Det er langt mer behagelig å starte med trike på tre hjul fremfor å fotstarte. På de turene jeg har hatt så langt (de fleste korte testturer) merket jeg at vingen trakk både til høyre og venstre uten at jeg egentlig rakk å finne ut hvorfor på de korte turene. Den siste turen var på drøyt en time, og jeg fant ut at det var sittestillingen min som var årsaken. Jeg endret posisjonen min både til høyre og venstre og til midt under vingen, og kan på den måten motvirke torqueeffekten (propellen dreier mot høyre og skyver piloten mot venstre).

Det er bestandig interessant å føle på hvordan luften beveger seg. På turen som varte en times tid, dro jeg opp til 1.140 m asl. Se kort video og bilde av to vinger un der meg. Fra noen hundre meter over bakken var det laminært og lite vind. Ingen bevegelse. Det ble noe kjølig bare i tynn genser selv om det nok var 30 grader på bakken da vi startet. Over noen fjelltopper når klokka nærmet seg 9, begynte termikken å røre på seg – der var det et par hundre meter ned til bakken.

Det var mellomlanding med frokost (rissuppe kokt på kjøttbein med noen kjøttbiter) underveis, men siden jeg hadde spist frokost, stod jeg over. Se bilde over denne landingen. Det var såpass mye turbulens under innflygingen og så mange piloter som landet og tok av, at det var greiest å fortsette.. Interessant å kjenne hvordan sola setter fart på småtermikken når klokka nærmer seg 9. Det er akkurat som lufta begynner å småkoke noen hundre meter over bakken.

Landingen gikk ikke helt som planlagt. Turbulens og mange piloter, spesielt det siste, tærer på konsentrasjonen. Jeg gikk inn for landing på den eneste lille steinhaugen som var på landingen (du blir så opptatt av at du ikke skal lande på den at det er nettopp det du gjør). Triken skled så vidt over, men understellet kom borti noen steiner på toppen. Denne steinspruten var nok til at en bit av trepropellen ble flekket av, noe jeg først så da jeg kom hjem. Jaja, det er slikt som skjer.   

fredag 18. mars 2011

”PPG nær Khao Yai”

Nå til helgen er det et paramotortreff i regi av Khoratklubben. Håper startplassen er bra og at det ikke er mye vind. Jeg tror jeg mestrer triken brukbart nå, men det er greit å trene mer på start og landing. Meteorogrammet ser lovende ut med lite vind helt opp i 600 millibar.

Neste helg er det PG-treff på Khao Sadao. Første uke i april er det PG-treff på samme sted, denne gangen varer treffet en hel uke. Ser frem til det.

torsdag 17. mars 2011

”The impact of losing face”

or rather the fear of losing face in Eastern Asia may lead to many things. Many are of the ridiculous kind. You ask someone about the road, and quite a few people have problems about admitting that they do not know. Instead they point in the wrong direction. When you know about this peculiar trait you ask lots of people to be sure before you go for your destination.

Concerning the handling of the disasters at the Fukushima nuclear powerplant in Japan I would not be surprised if the escalation of the accident is partly due to a lack of will to take responsibility because of an ”innate” fear of losing face.

onsdag 16. mars 2011

"PPG i Khorat"

Andre tur med PPG-trike fra Khorat sist helg. Skulle bare teste om det gikk an å legge ut bilder; det har ikke gått en ukes tid nå. Hovedveien på bildet kommer fra Saraburi (venstre bildekant) og går til Khorat (høyre bildekant)

tirsdag 15. mars 2011

”Atle Z og Atle Kommune/Fylke/Stat – to versjoner av samme sak”

Atle Z og Atle kommune/fylke/stat (Atle KFS) har begge til felles at de har en begrenset pengesekk til disposisjon

Atle Z tenker på å bygge svømmebasseng, men slår det fra seg når han finner ut at det koster flesk å vedlikeholde anlegget.

Atle KFS bygger svømmehall, men finner ut etter bare ett års drift at han ikke har driftsmidler. Han stenger svømmehallen. Heldigvis er det skattebetalernes penger som er blitt brukt til anlegget.

Atle Z er interessert i modellfly og kjøper seg et rimelig radiostyrt seilfly som han har mye glede av.

Atle KFS vil ha et bedre fly og velger Joint Strike Fighter. En dag får han vite at flyene til 18 milliarder som han skal ha, blir 12 milliarder dyrere. Han gir f…, det er jo skattebetalernes penger. Dessuten er det jo bestevennen, USA, som lager flyene.

Huset til Atle Z trekker på årene og trenger vedlikehold. Ikke noe problem! Han har satt av penger og tid til å male yttervegger og vinduer. Før vinteren setter inn, er jobben gjort.

Atle KFS får vite at vinduene på de to lokale skolene må skiftes ut på grunn av dårlige vedlikehold gjennom mange år. Vaktmestrene på skolene ble sagt opp for mange år siden for å spare penger, og nå kommer regningen. Atle KFS mangler en økonomisk buffer til å ta kostnaden og stenger to av fire kommunale barnehager for å finansiere vedlikeholdet.

Atle Z blir skikkelig uvenner med noen og skulle ønske han kunne ordne opp selv. Det kan han ikke. Heldigvis!

Atle KFS kommer i samme situasjon. Uvennene er nå historie. De som har hjulpet Atle KFS med å ”ordne opp”, har fått medaljer for heltemot.

Det er mange flere historier å fortelle om forskjellen mellom Atle Z og Atle KFS. Kanskje du vil bidra med flere?

”En begredelig historie. Treholtsaken bør gjenopptas for å få en slutt på dette”

Dette dreier seg i siste instans om troverdigheten til det norske rettssystemet. Justisminister Storberget,  Sæter som er leder av Gjenopptakelseskommisjonen, riksadvokat Busch og førstestatsadvokat Qvigstad og andre som eventuelt nå er koblet på Treholtsaken, bør legge seg dette på minne og handle deretter.

Dersom rettsapparatet trår feil i denne saken, kan det gjøre ubotelig skade på rettssystemet. Tiden er nå inne for å vise ydmykhet og ikke ri egne kjepphester.

Det som er ille, er at Gjenopptakelseskommisjonen, slik den pleier, arbeider for lukkede dører. I denne spesielle saken burde offentligheten fått innsyn via media. Når vi vet at leder for PST, Janne Kristiansen, var leder for kommisjonen forrige gang Treholtsaken ble avvist og at flere av de nåværende medlemmene var med også den gangen, er det lite tillitvekkende at det meste nå foregår i hemmelighet. Det er faktisk umulig å tro at det er slik at noen ikke snakker sammen i fortrolighet. Dersom kommisjonen avviser saken, eller bare tar litt av kritikken til følge, skyter kommisjonen rettsapparatet i foten.

Dessverre ser det ut til at mange har et sterkt markeringsbehov i disse terroristtider. Jeg er ikke den eneste som ser med ubehag på hvordan politikere, politi og fremtredende jurister oppfører seg som hannhunder i løpetiden.

Treholtsaken bør gjenopptas for å få en slutt på alt dette rennet…

mandag 14. mars 2011

”Paramotoring in Khorat – trike”

Saturday evening and Sunday morning I had my two first flights with my paramotor trike. Launching is much easier. No carrying around a backpack of almost 40 kilos. The only thing that worries me is that there are not too many landings suitable for wheeled aircraft around here. But I guess the solution to this is to keep high – at 1.500 to 2.000 meters. Then I should be able to find a landing if I have a motor cut.

On Sunday morning there was some wind, and two pilots were waiting for the wind to slow down. As I am a timid pilot concerning launching I almost decided not to fly. But then I did as I use to do before launching. I watched the wind for a while, strength and direction. Then I let my mind and thoughts move freely, not thinking about to fly or not to fly. When I got the good feeling that the conditions were OK, I made ready for a launch.

There was some wind up there. Maybe 10 knots. The windshear where the wind met the more stagnant air of the morning inversion was not troublesome. But I chose not to do training at landings. Better do this in smooth winds.

Next weekend there is a paramotor meeting close to Khao Yai. Two weeks from now there is a paraglider meeting at Khao Sadao.

”A man of courage and a despicable president”

Spokesman of the US State Department, PJ Crowley, has resigned from office due to the treatment of Bradley Manning in jail.

President Obama has revealed he had asked the Pentagon "whether or not the procedures that have been taken in terms of his confinement are appropriate and are meeting our basic standards. They assure me that they are."

President Obama should know that you cannot always believe what Pentagon say.  

lørdag 12. mars 2011

”An American tragedy – the demise of The USA as a constitutional and democratic country”

Atle is sorry to say, but it is a looong time since The USA was a beacon of liberty etc in the world.  As many Americans are clever at sweetmouthing, many believe that the beacon of this and that still is in America.

If you shut your ears to all this sweetmouthing you will see that The USA is one of the most oppressing and belligerent regimes in modern time. How many wars and massacres have they instigated and taken part in during the decades after World War 2?

Atle does not close his eyes to the atrocities in Communist Sovjet Union, China, Vietnam, North Korea just to mention a few of the regimes of that kind. Neither does he forget apartheid in South Africa, atrocities in white Rhodesia and Zimbabwe under the rule of Mugabe, the corrupt and partly criminal leaders of the Maghreb countries in North Africa. Once again only to mention a few.

Now there will be hearings in the Congress in the Homeland Security committee among other things about the radicalization of the American-Muslim society. The Republican Peter King is the leader of this committee; he is infamous for sayings like these: ”There are too many mosques in this country.”




Atle feels sorry for The United States and the people of this country. It is time for the friends of The United States to say: Sorry, pal, but I think you are behaving in ways that are not too OK.

or ”Bradley Manning being mistreated, says Hillary Clinton spokesman” in http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/mar/11/bradley-manning-clinton-crowley-comments
In the Guardian you can among other things read about President Obama: ”As news of the remarks rippled through Washington, President Obama was forced to address the subject of Manning's treatment for the first time. Asked about the controversy at a White House press conference, Obama revealed he had asked the Pentagon "whether or not the procedures that have been taken in terms of his confinement are appropriate and are meeting our basic standards. They assure me that they are."”


Atle feels sorry for the predicament of the American people The United States and the ”enemies” of this country.

fredag 11. mars 2011

”Farewell to freedom and justice – welcome to ??? in The USA”

You have to ask yourself: What is going on in the United States, the country which long ago was a beacon of freedom. The Statue of Liberty still is there in New York. Now it stands there more like a mockingbird (spottefugl in  Norwegian).

What is going on over there is a real or surreal American Tragedy.

In the United States the culprits are Barack Obama, George Busch, just to mention a few of the most prominent persons.

The article in The Guardian is one small part in the documentation of the demise of The United States as a constitutional and democratic country.

”Stripped naked every night, Bradley Manning tells of prison ordeal

US soldier held on suspicion of leaking state secrets speaks out for first time about experience

Bradley Manning, the US soldier being held in solitary confinement on suspicion of having released state secrets to WikiLeaks, has spoken out for the first time about what he claims is his punitive and unlawful treatment in military prison.
In an 11-page legal letter released by his lawyer, David Coombs, Manning sets out in his own words how he has been "left to languish under the unduly harsh conditions of max [security] custody" ever since he was brought from Kuwait to the military brig of Quantico marine base in Virginia in July last year. He describes how he was put on suicide watch in January, how he is currently being stripped naked every night, and how he is in general terms being subjected to what he calls "unlawful pre-trial punishment".
It is the first time Manning has spoken publicly about his treatment, having previously only been heard through the intermediaries of his lawyer and a friend. Details that have emerged up to now have inspired the UN to launch an inquiry into whether the conditions amount to torture, and have led to protests to the US government from Amnesty International.
The most graphic passage of the letter is Manning's description of how he was placed on suicide watch for three days from 18 January. "I was stripped of all clothing with the exception of my underwear. My prescription eyeglasses were taken away from me and I was forced to sit in essential blindness."
Manning writes that he believes the suicide watch was imposed not because he was a danger to himself but as retribution for a protest about his treatment held outside Quantico the day before. Immediately before the suicide watch started, he said guards verbally harassed him, taunting him with conflicting orders.
When he was told he was being put on suicide watch, he writes, "I became upset. Out of frustration, I clenched my hair with my fingers and yelled: 'Why are you doing this to me? Why am I being punished? I have done nothing wrong.'"
He also describes the experience of being stripped naked at night and made to stand for parade in the nude, a condition that continues to this day. "The guard told me to stand at parade rest, with my hands behind my back and my legs spaced shoulder-width apart. I stood at parade rest for about three minutes … The [brig supervisor] and the other guards walked past my cell. He looked at me, paused for a moment, then continued to the next cell. I was incredibly embarrassed at having all these people stare at me naked."
Manning has been charged with multiple counts relating to the leaking of hundreds of thousands of secret US government cables, videos and warlogs from Iraq and Afghanistan to WikiLeaks. The charges include "aiding the enemy", which can carry the death penalty.
The legal letter was addressed to the US military authorities and was drawn up in response to their recent decision to keep Manning on a restriction order called Prevention of Injury (PoI). It means he is kept in his cell alone for 23 hours a day and checked every five minutes by guards including, if necessary, through the night.
The letter contains excerpts from the observation records kept in the brig which consistently report that Manning is "respectful, courteous and well spoken" and "does not have any suicidal feelings at this time".
Sixteen separate entries made from 27 August until the records stop on 28 January show that Manning was evaluated by prison psychiatrists who found he was not a danger to himself and should be removed from the PoI order.”

torsdag 10. mars 2011

"Mer om Treholt-farsen i VG"

"Mer om Treholt-farsen i VG"

Det er mange måter å gjøre jobben sin på, iallfall i POT/PST. Nå blir det interessant å se på hvilken måte Gjenopptakelseskommisjonen gjør jobben sin. For ikke å snakke om Qvigstad og Busch.

Dessverre kan det se ut til at en del personer ser ut til å kunne gjøre hva de vil uten at de stilles til ansvar. Det er kan hende fordi alt for mange personer innen politikken og rettsvesenet selv har dritt under fingerneglene som selv grundig manikyr ikke kan fjerne?

onsdag 9. mars 2011

”Treholt-farsen fortsetter og ser ut til ingen ende å ha!”

Jeg fikk tilfeldigvis øye på en liten artikkel i Aftenpostens nettutgave i dag: http://www.aftenposten.no/nyheter/iriks/article4054735.ece

Mer farse av samme sort i samme avis under denne overskriften ”Treholt-spaner passet på bildebevis i egen safe” Se http://www.aftenposten.no/nyheter/iriks/article4054662.ece

Nå er det å håpe at Gjenopptakelseskommisjonen ser lyset og frigjør seg fra PST’s, Riksadvokatens og Statsadvokatens klamme grep og innstiller på at Treholtsaken tas opp på nytt i sin fulle bredde.

Alle disse fire instansene har gjort stor nok skade på troverdigheten til det norske rettsapparatet så langt. Det er nå å håpe at noe av dette kan rettes opp av Gjenopptakelsekommisjonen.

”Atle has been thinking seriously about religious belief”

for a looong time. Now, at last, in the wake of much pondering, he has eventually (?) arrived at a decision: As religion/religious belief by definition is about BELIEVING (and nobody can defy that point of view – religious belief and religious certainty are opposites), either you can choose to believe or you can choose not to believe. The third option is not to care at all. But with all the Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, you name them, believers, it is not easy to be indifferent to all this religious energy emanating from hundreds of millions of dedicated people.

The second option is NOT to believe. The problem with this option is that you express you KNOW religious belief is some kind of ….. bullshit (sorry – not very nice but I find no better word).

That is why Atle has decided to believe. To believe is really no big thing. Everyone can believe whatever they want. You know that the sun will rise every morning, but you are free to believe that one morning it will stop in the 9 o’clock position and stay there forever. In short that is the difference between knowing and believing. And the good thing about believing is that YOU CAN NEVER KNOW!

That is why Atle now embraces religion. Not only one, but ALL religions, the ones he knows, and the ones he does not know. Pretty tolerant, isn’t it?

Atle has no problems about doing so. But what he does not understand is all this religous certainty. The believers, either they are Muslims, Christians, Hindus, are kind of ravaging (sorry about this word, but I once again find no better word) each others’ religions – they are even killing in the name of their religions.

If it is possible to upload photos now, this photo shows Atle ready to check out what is ”up there”.

"An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away?"

I like to believe that what you find in this article is true: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/03/110302121702.htm 

At least apples, fruit and vegetables are tasty.

But I believe more in activities like the one on the photo. (For some reason I am not able to upload photos now)

tirsdag 8. mars 2011

”5 minutes from Khao Sadao on Sunday”

The wind was quite tricky on Sunday, coming from all directions. There even were some dust devils visiting the launch. It seems that the thermals from the flatlands take over in the middle of the day. Best time for launching is probably in the morning and the evening if there is enough wind for getting up.

I had some technical problems with my paramotor before everything eventually worked. Some more training controlling the glider while mock launching, and then I will be airborne. At least that is what I THINK.

”Delving in ancient lore”

About one week ago I happened to be the owner of a Kindle readingboard. In the days that have passed I have been ”treasure hunting” inside gutenberg.com. I feel happy and contented! Really!

I do not care very much about the books I can buy at Amazon.com. At least not for the moment.

As I am interested in almost ”everything” I have downloaded plays by Aischylos who wrote about 2.500 years ago, the diary of Lorenzo da Vinci, Homer’s Odyssey, Hernando Cortez’ defeating Montezuma and his conquest of Mexico, and 30 other books, of which I am reading about 15 simultaneously.

Modern literature is quite OK, but what you will experience if you go back in time, is that the reasoning and art of expression is different in older literature. Sometimes I wonder if this has something to do with educating the illiterate masses in modern times compared to the elitist education long time ago.

In my small, not to say minuscule, Kindle I can carry a library of hundreds of book. I can read some passages, and when i want to change to another book, there are automatic bookmarks where I stop.

Reading boards are a treat for people who love to read.

fredag 4. mars 2011

”PPG in Khorat tomorrow/Paragliding at Khao Sadao on Sunday?”

Now it is time to try my paramotor trike in Khorat. On Sunday maybe there will be conditions for soaring or cross country flying from Kha Sadao.

torsdag 3. mars 2011

”Running and biking in the tropics”

is HOT! Indeed. Rice paddies like these are irrigated at this time of the year, and the sun is right above my head. No wonder I am sweating either I am running or biking! It is humid, humid, humid. Especially when running through fields of water filled paddies like those on the photo you get a feeling that your brain is about to burst. Still I sometimes go running in the middle of the day. Accompanied by the chirps of birds and insects. White egrets flap their wings and move a few meters when I come.

Nice. Really.

”Mikhail Gorbachev lambasts Vladimir Putin's 'sham' democracy”

Will much of the same which goes on in many Arab countries happen in the undemocratic and corrupt Russia, not to mention mainland China?

And what about many western democracies ( e.g. USA, UK) where democracy is eroded and partly corrupted due to the war against this and that (read terrorism and drugs)?

free counters

onsdag 2. mars 2011

”The Arab Revolutions”

seem to have started, and who knows how they will end? If you look back in time revolutions like these seem to happen in clusters: 1789, 1848, 1870, 1917, 2011. If they have succeeded or not is another question.

The surge of uprisings is not easy to stop (see http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/03/2011317269573443.html). The fear of what is happening makes even the leaders of Communist China afraid – they evidently know that their time as ”helmsmen” of China is limited.

Personally I think that even the leaders of so-called democracies anywhere in the world should start thinking about what they are doing when they are in power.

tirsdag 1. mars 2011

"Skjermkontroll med PPG-trike"

Khorat blir neste nå, trolig til helgen. Det gikk greit å kjøre med skjermen over hodet og kontrollere med brems og hjul. Kameraoperatøren var nok mer opptatt av det som foregikk på bakken enn å holde i kameraet, men fikk likevel med det vesentligste.