torsdag 29. november 2012

”Stoltenberg avviser at 22.juli-kommisjonen avdekket en «ukultur». Det bør bekymre oss,”

skriver politisk kommentator Berit Aalborg. Mer på
Den første setningen i kronikken lyder slik: ” «Jeg vil ikke bruke ordet ukultur. Det handler om en kultur som ikke har god nok beredskapsforståelse», sa statsminister Jens Stoltenberg (Ap) under 22.juli-høringen på Stortinget i går.”

Tja…! Hva skal man si til slikt? Atle har ikke ord, men er storlig imponert over alle toppfolkene som stadig messer om å ”ta ansvar” uten at det synes at de gjør nettopp det. Atles inntrykk er dette er en snedig form for ansvarsfraskrivelse. Lite eller ingenting skjer. Trolig er det best slik! For Stoltenberg og hans kumpaner i det politiske og offentlige liv.

Ett av vannskillene mellom demokrati og diktatur går på den måten lederne tar ansvar.

tirsdag 27. november 2012

”Flowers of Thailand”

This is the start of a cucumber like edible vegetable (boap in the local language). You have to boil it before eating. Not very tasty but possible to eat.

free counters

søndag 25. november 2012

”Only cutting grass…”

The wind and weather did not cooperate. Saturday there were heavy showers, and Sunday there was tailwind as you can see on the photo. However the grass is cut in the take off area.

fredag 23. november 2012

”Ready for Khao Sadao on Saturday”

But will the wind cooperate? That remains to be seen. The meteorogram promises wind from southerly directions, and the sun has moved a bit to the south so there is a possibility of thermals generated in the hillside tomorrow or on Sunday. I bring my hangglider in case it is windy (which I do not believe) and my paraglider just in case…

Then there is some grass to cut. You cannot believe how fast the grass grows in the tropics after a few heavy showers.

torsdag 22. november 2012

”Flowers of Thailand”

This exquisite blue flower is in fact a widespread weed around here. I didn’t recognize the beauty of this flower until I magnified this photo.

onsdag 21. november 2012

”Flowers of Thailand”

Is this a flower? Definitely yes. You will find it everywhere around where people live.

tirsdag 20. november 2012

”Flowers of Thailand”

Not very nice but gives yous omething to eat  some months from now:


søndag 18. november 2012

”Flowers of Thailand”

Looks like an orchid, but is not. This is a flower of a tree. It produces edible bean looking seeds. The wonders of the world are very close to you…

lørdag 17. november 2012

”Flowers of Thailand”

Believe it or not – chili pepper has flowers – and they look like this. Nice, isn’t it?

mandag 12. november 2012

”Wills Wing Falcon 3 at Khao Sadao, but not at Khao Phrik…”

I hope my hangglider enjoyed the trip to Khao Sadao. No flying due to tailwind. I walked up to Khao Phrik – 10 minutes of sweating, sun, and 34 degrees in the shadow.

The wind was from the left, that is NNE, so I didn’t carry any glider (para- and especially hangglider). Someone had cut bushes and trees in front of the start, but still there were some obstacles. I would not start there with a paraglider if I was not more than 100 % sure to be lifted up right after take off.

Today machines start making a road up to a new take off at Khao Phrik. Ten days from now the road will be finished (so they say), and we will have a supreme take off on wind from northerly directions. Then Khao Sadao and nearby Khao Phrik will be the Mecca of paragliding and hanggliding in Thailand.

fredag 9. november 2012

”News from China – Some animals are more equal than other animals”

Sorry! This article is in Norwegian, a language spoken by a privileged few…:

”«Alle dyr er like. Men noen dyr er likere enn andre», skrev George Orwell i sin satiriske roman «Animal Farm». Snart er Xi Jinping det aller likeste av alle dyrene i Kina.”

For more see

søndag 4. november 2012

”Underwater bicycling!”

I know Paul has been a diving instructor. Still I was surprised at Had Chom Tawan today when Paul did not stop at the water’s edge as John and I did.

He got rid of his backpack and went riding straight into the lake. Deeper and deeper and deeper. At last he disappeared underwater.

People around were quite astonished.

Half a minute later he surfaced, still bicycling…

Some fun, sure!