fredag 28. november 2014

Britain does not need National Front or Ukip when Cameron is PM

It is a bit sad to see that neo-Fascism is growing in Europe. We see the upholstered face of Fascism in Ukraina, Russia, Norway, Greece, Hungary, just to mention a few of the culprit nations.

Muslims have replaced the Jews as scapegoats, and the future of Europe looks bleak.

The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. This is the recipe of neo-Fascism which will benefit from the next economic collapse which might be closer than we want to think.

mandag 24. november 2014

Britain down the drain?

«Record numbers of working families in poverty due to low-paid jobs»
It seems that Great Britain goes from bad to worse. As is the case in Norway (Fremskrittspartiet/Progress Party) politics not very different from fascism in new clothes (Ukip), seems to prevail even in Government, More on

Fjosepose i reprise – er det Trinepose eller Jensenpose?

Uansett fungerer plastposer helt greit som søppelposer. Mer på